Trauma and stressor-related disorders can leave deep emotional and psychological imprints, making everyday functioning challenging for many. Understanding the profound impact of such experiences, I provide specialized treatment tailored to address the intricacies of trauma and stress.

Various life events can precipitate trauma, including accidents, abuse, profound losses or other distressing incidents. These experiences can manifest in a range of symptoms, such as:

  • Persistent feelings of distress or sadness
  • Recurrent, intrusive memories or nightmares
  • Avoidance of certain places, people or activities that bring back traumatic memories
  • Negative shifts in one’s mood or perceptions
  • An increased startle response or heightened state of alertness

By offering a comprehensive approach to treatment, I prioritize understanding the unique experiences of each individual. Recognizing that trauma and stress imprint differently on everyone, I ensure that treatment plans are customized to cater to specific needs.
The journey through trauma and stress can be long and arduous, but it is not one you have to travel alone. With the right support and expert guidance, healing and recovery are attainable. If you or a loved one is grappling with trauma and stressor-related challenges, know that I am here to offer a pathway to resilience and restoration. Contact us today or schedule an appointment and learn more about the benefits of treatment for trauma and stressor related disorders in Hawaii, Colorado, and California.